Meaning = if you never make mistakes, you’re not really living.

Meaning = I’m a normal person but I’m unique in the world. I am not special, I am a limited edition.Meaning = don’t get stressed and be happy. Meaning = Whatever happens, life continues. Meaning = My objective is to communicate my ideas, not to try to make others like me. Meaning = I’ve never been drunk – I’ve been great. Meaning = live as well as you can while you’re young. You’re probably capable of doing anything. Try what you think you might be able to do.ĭon’t hesitate to do difficult things.Meaning = you can’t go back in time and do things again, so do them well. Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.Meaning = you always look good if you smile, whatever clothes you wear. Meaning = being silent is more significant than words. Meaning = sometimes things go wrong in relationships, but it’s still good to experience them. Loving someone might be a mistake, but it is a mistake worth making.Meaning = the best way to reply to someone stupid is to not reply. Silence is the best response to a fool.Meaning = other people’s opinions and comments about me aren’t important. I don’t care what people think or say about me!.Meaning = it’s preferable not to say anything than to say something not true.

Meaning = in the long-term it’s better to hear true facts and not lies. Hurt me with a truth, don’t comfort me with a lie.

Meaning = being happy is the most important thing. Meaning = When you’re perfect it’s natural that you’re also a bit strange. I am jealous of my parents – I will never have a kid as cool as theirs.It always seems impossible until it’s done.Let’s look at some of the best and most interesting WhatsApp statuses. You can use it to send messages, photos and videos to any other user in the world for free! The primary thing that identifies you apart from your photo is your status – a short phrase that can simply describe where you are at the moment, or something more meaningful like a belief, idea or motto. Do you want some ideas for writing a WhatsApp status in English? What does your WhatsApp status say now? WhatsApp is one of the world’s leading messaging applications.